2018.02.10 CSCS Daily Study Question:
True or False: When expressed as a percentage of daily caloric intake, an average person should be getting 25% – 35% of their daily calories from protein.
(A) True
(B) False
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Correct Answer:
(B) False
10% to 15% is a good general guideline. Think before you answer! Do the calculation in your head quickly to see if it makes sense. Protein has 4 calories per gram. If you eat 2,000 calories daily, 10% – 15% would be eating 200 – 300 calories-worth of protein. If each gram of protein has 4 calories, that’s 50g – 75g protein consumed. Given the average protein intake guidelines of 0.8g / kilogram body weight, 50g – 75g protein would be expected for someone weighing between 62.5kg (137.5lbs) and 93.75kg (206.25lbs).
Essentials of Strength Training & Conditioning 3rd Edition p. 207
These CSCS exam practice questions were created to help users study for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification exam from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Using CSCS exam practice questions is an efficient way to study the most relevant material for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam. CSCS exam practice questions and our CSCS study guide can help you to remember important concepts and test your knowledge of the material in a no-pressure environment. The Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist designates that a fitness professional has the scientific and practical knowledge necessary to assist athletes to improve their physical performance.
If you’re like most strength and conditioning specialists, chances are that you like sports and you have a competitive mindset. For people who are competitive, doing practice questions is awesome because 1) they like to win, and 2) the sting of getting a question wrong burns the correct answer into the mind of a competitive person unlike any other learning method.
The Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is a four-hour-long, pencil and paper or computer-based examination. The Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam has two sections: “Scientific Foundations” and “Practical / Applied.” Each of these sections consist of questions that the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) feels are relevant to test the knowledge and experience of a candidate for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) professional credential. Certified strength conditioning specialist comprehensive questions from the Scientific Foundations section include anatomy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, and nutrition. certified strength conditioning specialist comprehensive questions from the Practical / Applied section include program design, exercise techniques, testing and evaluation, and organization / administration (NSCA, 2015).
2018.02.10 CSCS Daily Study Question
National Strength & Conditioning Association