Hexagon Test Overview

Hexagon Test Notes:
- A hexagon has six sides.
- Each side of the hexagon is 24 inches long.
- Each angle between lines is 120 degrees.
- Use adhesive tape to mark the hexagon on the ground.
- Staff required: one timer / recorder, one line judge.
- Allow the athlete to practice the test at submaximal speed.
- Athlete positions themselves in the middle of the hexagon before text starts.
- Test is performed with double-leg hops.
- Athlete hops back and forth as they progress in a clockwise direction around the hexagon.
- Three revolutions are made around the hexagon (18 total jumps, according to NSCA textbook, however 2 jumps are made to clear each line of the hexagon making it 36 jumps total).
- Athlete must face the same direction during the entire test.
- Disqualification of athlete for stepping on a line, losing balance and taking extra step, or changing the direction they are facing.
- 3 trials performed.
- Best time recorded to nearest 0.1 second.